The Beaver Moon and the Dragon

The Beaver Moon

Comes in November

And this year

It turns red

November 8th

A day of change

Let it be for regeneration

For life creating life

For water flowing

For family and home


The Beaver Moon

Comes in November

And this year

A dragon


The wisemen and womyn watched the moons

And one approached the king

They said

O King, I have a dragon

Dark red. 

And greater than the tallest mountain 

If you do not bless my people

Who suffer in great woe

She will cover the moon in her fullness

The king heeded not the wise

And let their people go - on and on in suffering

The wise returned and said

My dragon loves these people 

And knows that even you 

love the moon 

when great and white

She opens the darkness

And makes space 

for feast 

and dance

If you want joy at your feast 

and peace 

If you want my dragon 

to let your glowing lady be

Give aid and succor to my people, o king!

Create peace and rise to their hopes!

The king listened for a moment 

And thought of the pressing tasks at hand

He heard the cry and ignored it

And turned his back on the wise

The wise, when the time came

Turned and gathered and planned

With drum and horn they traveled down

To the castle to join the feast

As the hour approached

After Sun had set

And moon had risen high

They staged their instruments and bided their time 

and then, 

with crow signals

Took their places around the feast 

Ba d’um

Ba dum 

Ba dum

Ba dum

The party started with music and dancing

The king and the queen processed

The crowd sat and drank and feasted and then

merriment happened and then

The people afar still were suffering

The people afar still starved

The wise waited and sent thoughts to their dragon

The wise waited and watched






Badum badum


The people were shocked and the night grew dark the fire light was barely enough

They looked and noticed the moon was missing or something was turning it red 

The wise stood and pounding their drum they blared upon their horns

From every direction the people they heard them from every direction they screamed 

The King and the Queen took a hand and looked out and up at the sky

The queen and the king took deep breaths and asked theirselves why

Why was the lady covered in red? 

Why was the lady in darkness?

The king and the queen locked eyes and then

The king looked away