What do Pirates and Saints have in Common?

I imagine them

The Pirates and The Saints

Sharing a bowl of mead

Passing the communal vessel around

Speaking prayers and making speeches

The pirates’ teeth are rotting

Scurvy was a thing

The Saints are old and bald and portly

Bearded, learned, peaceful.

They smile at the ardor of the pirates

The Pirate King’s ability, 

with compass and log line and sextant

To know where they are, and ensure they will arrive

Where they intend

It is like the saint’s ability

To sit, and close their eyes

And to Know

To Be (wise, like Odin)

They lift the bowl

In rounds,


Like our ancestors way back

They speak of their hopes

Their gratitude

Their dreams

And Their Gods/God

Come[s] down to the party

And they laugh and sing

And pass out


The next day

After piecing their lives back together,

Sharing breakfast

Cleaning Up

They smile 

Shake hands

And part in peace

To meet again


At next year’s Feast

Of Saint Bartholomew

The honey harvest

The end of summer

Or All Hallow’s Eve

The night where the dead


-F. Golbeck

Dear Friends in Mead,

Halloween is coming up. This weekend and Monday! Are you ready?

If so, awesome. What are you going to be? What are you going to do? Wherever you are, I hope that your celebration of this transition, from the warmth and bounty of spring and summer, to the dark and cool of fall and winter, sees you smiling and laughing and sharing the joy of friendship and creativity.

For this week, we have a very limited release of PyraMEAD Scheme. It is a small batch semi-dry mead made with Lavender, Coriander, and French Oak that we have at 10% ABV to help keep the cost down and more people sharing mead 😜

The aroma is sharp lime lavender, with your first sip being soft coriander, followed by a pine resin mouth texture, and a spiced floral finish; leaving you with a brightened experience.

We will save a few bottles for online sales if you select the Hopped Honey option, then email us and we will customize the order on our end 👍

However this is will be perfect for the farmers markets.

Try/Buy Regenerative Mead!

Delivering on my promise of Indian Food for you from last week, I have this to share:

[Link to Page on website]

Chana Masala, Lentils and Rice - This pairs great with our Wildflower Sour - the tomato and Garam Masala driven richness of the chickpeas (chana) with the toothsome spicy heartiness of the lentils, get cut through and rolled around and wonderfully complimented by the honey forward, tart and acidic complexity of the mead.

Since there is no meat involved in the meal, you can save money to spend on mead and do the earth a favor by reducing your support of one of the most destructive industries on the planet. Unless of course, your meat is coming from a regenerative biodiverse polyculture like Polyface Farms in Swope Virginia or a rotational grazing, grass fed grass finished operation like Montado here in San Diego County, in which case, the meat you are purchasing is actually increasing the earth’s capacity to support life!

So, that’s cool.

As we prepare for the celebration of Halloween/All Hallow’s Eve/Dia de Los Muertos/Samhain, may we realize somewhere in us is a Pirate and Saint. May they find peace and prosperity, together, and work with the cycles of life to thrive.

Regenerative Cheers! -GCM